Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tour, Tool Sheds, and Trying To Be Patient

Has anyone noticed the recent fads in world of beverages? Specifically, Kona-blend coffee? Or pomegranate juice blends? Or blueberry-antioxidant sports drinks? I don’t know how or why they happened, but they just appeared. Another fad that we’ve noticed is the term FML. That came out of nowhere. If you’ve read The Tipping Point, you could probably give us a little insight into these cultural trends and how they developed. Our “friend,” Danny B, could probably tell me-- he stole the book from me months ago before I had the chance to finish it. Send him a “thank you” message for me. Thanks ☺

We just got off of a short tour with our friends at Hyland! If you’ve been following us at all, you’ll know that we’ve been putting together our debut record since our conception, and we haven’t been focusing on the live scene. Touring with another band was a great opportunity to get rolling quickly! Playing day after day really helps work out the kinks. I learned a lot. Apparently chewing gum and singing isn’t a good thing?!

We finished the tour with Hyland’s CD release show at Trocadero’s in Minneapolis. Genuine thanks to everyone who came out! A personal “NO-THANKS-TO-YOU” goes out to the classy character who stole my digital camcorder, along with Tim’s backpack, iPod, and various other things. Other than that tool-shed who tried to ruin the night, many cool faces were there. We’re pumped to have met some of you!

Please check out the bands who shared the stage for the night!
My Lady Four
Start Of Something New
In Harbour
All The Right Moves

We apologize for not being very active in the blogging sphere as of late. We decided our priority was in making a good record, first and foremost. And until we get a new camera, you probably won’t be seeing any videos either. The good news is that the new music is pretty much done! At this stage, we’re forced to be patient while the tracks are being mixed, and I swear it’s like waiting for Christmas morning. Within a few short weeks, the songs will be available to you online via www.seetheworldmusic.com. If you haven’t done so already, go and purchase our first single, “By A String.” It’s eager to hit your iTunes playlists ☺

Keep in touch, and keep chasing your dreams,
Jeremy (Jasper)

P.S. Make sure to add us on Facebook :)
See The World Fan Page