Monday, October 19, 2009

Buy our album on AmazonMP3 and get 12 issues of Rolling Stone magazine for only $1 each!

Hey friends! Here's the deal... if you purchase and download our entire 6-song EP from AmazonMP3, you can also choose to get 12 issues of Rolling Stone, Men's Journal, or Us Weekly for only $1 each!

Click here to find Broken Cities on AmazonMP3... and click here for more details on the magazine offer!

If you know of any friends who subscribe to any of those magazines, let them know that buying our record will help them qualify for the AmazonMP3 discount!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Flo Riding?

The last few days have been fabulous. We started in Leavenworth, KS on Monday afternoon and drove through the night to Jacksonville, FL. Being that our minds are constantly on important business matters, the first thing we did here was drive to the beach to go swimming. Sometimes getting knocked down by waves helps focus our minds to discuss our P&L statement.

We're playing the University of North Florida tonight, so we showed up early last night and spent a majority of the night running around campus "hunting" alligators. We came up short and found nothing but a huge duck. Didn't get a picture though, so you'll have to use your imagination. I'm quite confident a few gators were lurking, and I know they could smell my fear (Sam's Axe body spray), so we avoided going to the edge of the waters on campus. We gazed safely from the boardwalks. Most of the students looked at us like we were idiots. Their thoughts are quite accurate.

We make our way around Florida for the next week or so before making our way up the coast to New England. We're excited to see the colors change up there, but for now we'll enjoy the heat and the reptiles.

Here's a video...
