Spring is here! Oh... just kidding. It's not. I can't wait for Spring. |side note| Does anyone know whether it's proper to capitalize the names of seasons or not? |end side note|
Again, I can't wait for spring. Lots of great things are going to happen. I'm going to be able to walk outside our cabin without having to worry about falling in our dirt driveway. I'll be able to drive my car up up and down our rather steep driveway without effort. I will be much happier! |side note| My crabbiness rate is directly related to bad weather rate. Thus, my happiness rate is inversely related to the bad weather rate. |end side note|
Truth be told, there is only one reason why I want Spring to come...
Well, I have to shovel the driveway...
Love, Sam
Seasons are lower case just so you know. At least according to Associated Press that is...
ReplyDeleteDo you at least like rain? Cause I like rain! It's so pretty and it smells fantastic and did I mention it's pretty?
YAY Record! I can't wait!
If your crabbiness is related to bad weather, i'm surprised you've managed to stay in the midwest. I can't wait for spring for so many reasons. I don't even particularly like spring - i'm just really tired of Chicago winter. Because Chicago winter which means that any sort of weather you could imagine can happen. It poured rain yesterday - and now we have frozen pools and sheets of ice all over the place.
ReplyDeleteBut i'm really excited for the record. So excited, it's almost annoying:)
i love rain! but i don't love ice :-/ unless it's in my cherry coke :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on that :p
ReplyDeletesometimes I capitalize the seasons and sometimes I don't. depends how I feel at the time, lol. ;)