Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hello friends,

This blog is dedicated to giving you the OPTION of helping us in a HUGE WAY. If you feel you might be interested, continue reading ☺

As you probably know, we just spent the past few months writing and recording our debut release. It’s being mixed right now, and as much as I’d LOVE to have it on all of your iPods as I write this, we’re forced to wait. We hope to have it available in July. Do me a favor and put $5 in your piggy bank so you can support us the moment it “drops.”

Back to HOW YOU CAN HELP US. We have a couple options.:

Maybe you’ve been on a street team, or maybe you’ve never heard of such a thing. Either is fine, and there’s definitely a place for you if you’re willing to learn!

We’re looking for 5-10 STREET TEAM LEADERS who have experience working with bands with localized and other promotion. The 5-10 leaders will work closely with See The World to design a game plan for getting the music to the ears of millions. Once a plan is set in place, it will be the leaders’ job to coordinate the efforts with the bigger team. If you think you might be a leader, please let us know.

We also need a BUNCH of people across the country who are excited to help, but without as much commitment as a leader. Please let us know if you want to be part of the SEE THE WORLD STREET TEAM!

We’ll be heading out on the road for the majority of THIS FALL and want to play a show near YOU! We’ll make every effort to set up shows at local clubs and bars, but there is ample opportunity to book shows of a more “creative” nature. That is, we’re fired up and ready to play for your college events, local coffee shops, skate parks, high schools functions, and just about ANYTHING else.

Oftentimes it simply takes a local “spokesperson” to gain the right access to play a show. You probably have the magic we’re looking for. We’ll be touring with another band (maybe more), plus we’ll have a very nice PA system on the road with us. This means there will be a variety of music, and hardly anything to worry about besides finding a room, finding an electrical outlet, and telling people to come to a great show. Why wouldn’t you want to do this?!

LET’S REVIEW. You can remain a friend and listener, and we’ll love you till the end. If you WANT to do more, you can help on our STREET TEAM or HELP US BOOK A SHOW!

Much love to you and yours,
Jeremy Austin Smith (Jasper)

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