Hey friends! Here's the deal... if you purchase and download our entire 6-song EP from AmazonMP3, you can also choose to get 12 issues of Rolling Stone, Men's Journal, or Us Weekly for only $1 each!
Click here to find Broken Cities on AmazonMP3... and click here for more details on the magazine offer!
If you know of any friends who subscribe to any of those magazines, let them know that buying our record will help them qualify for the AmazonMP3 discount!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Flo Riding?
The last few days have been fabulous. We started in Leavenworth, KS on Monday afternoon and drove through the night to Jacksonville, FL. Being that our minds are constantly on important business matters, the first thing we did here was drive to the beach to go swimming. Sometimes getting knocked down by waves helps focus our minds to discuss our P&L statement.
We're playing the University of North Florida tonight, so we showed up early last night and spent a majority of the night running around campus "hunting" alligators. We came up short and found nothing but a huge duck. Didn't get a picture though, so you'll have to use your imagination. I'm quite confident a few gators were lurking, and I know they could smell my fear (Sam's Axe body spray), so we avoided going to the edge of the waters on campus. We gazed safely from the boardwalks. Most of the students looked at us like we were idiots. Their thoughts are quite accurate.
We make our way around Florida for the next week or so before making our way up the coast to New England. We're excited to see the colors change up there, but for now we'll enjoy the heat and the reptiles.
Here's a video...
We're playing the University of North Florida tonight, so we showed up early last night and spent a majority of the night running around campus "hunting" alligators. We came up short and found nothing but a huge duck. Didn't get a picture though, so you'll have to use your imagination. I'm quite confident a few gators were lurking, and I know they could smell my fear (Sam's Axe body spray), so we avoided going to the edge of the waters on campus. We gazed safely from the boardwalks. Most of the students looked at us like we were idiots. Their thoughts are quite accurate.
We make our way around Florida for the next week or so before making our way up the coast to New England. We're excited to see the colors change up there, but for now we'll enjoy the heat and the reptiles.
Here's a video...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tour Blog Numero Uno
Instead of writing a long, boring blog about everything we've been doing on the road for the past few days, I've decided to show you what we've been doing with a series of photos I've taken with my phone. Enjoy...

The famous "Have Your Cake and Eat It Too" Cake, courtesy of Gudrun!

Jeremy and Peter (My Lady Four) awestruck by Carp's collection of trout. Hmm. Ironic, isn't it?

Jeremy wants to get some new seats installed in the van... unfortunately that isn't in the budget.
Hope you're all having a great day, and we'll see you at a show near you!
Sam and See The World
Thursday, July 30, 2009
See The World Goes To Coldplay
Greetings friends!
Hope life is well where you're at. Just wanted to fill you in on our latest undertaking. Sam and I went to see our first Coldplay concert on Saturday. Driving from Minneapolis to East Troy, Wisconsin was about 350 miles, and the tickets cost an arm and a leg, but it was totally worth it. I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to be the man that sits 100 rows up at a Coldplay show (insert witty quote from 40 Year Old Virgin here).
Coldplay offers something that almost no other band today can offer: a chance to hear the biggest band in the world (34,000 fans + Chris, Johnny, Will, and Guy) sing in unison. The crowds a capella performance at the end of Fix You gave me shivers (reminded me of The Chordials and some of my other favorites). In addition to the spot-on performance by the band, the big-screen video production was exceptional. Though it was displayed in real-time, the footage looked like a professional music video. I can't imagine the cost of lights and visual effects-- I wonder if the band even gets paid at the end of all that goes into it? Kidding.
Anyway, check out the video. I thought about getting footage of the concert, but realized that might come back as bad karma someday.
Another couple things:
1. We have an upcoming EP to be released-- stay patient, cause it's just around the corner.
2. We're playing on August 15th with Chicago's State and Madison and locals Readygoes-- join us at Station 4 in St. Paul for an all-ages fiesta. Would love to have you!
Much love,
Hope life is well where you're at. Just wanted to fill you in on our latest undertaking. Sam and I went to see our first Coldplay concert on Saturday. Driving from Minneapolis to East Troy, Wisconsin was about 350 miles, and the tickets cost an arm and a leg, but it was totally worth it. I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to be the man that sits 100 rows up at a Coldplay show (insert witty quote from 40 Year Old Virgin here).
Coldplay offers something that almost no other band today can offer: a chance to hear the biggest band in the world (34,000 fans + Chris, Johnny, Will, and Guy) sing in unison. The crowds a capella performance at the end of Fix You gave me shivers (reminded me of The Chordials and some of my other favorites). In addition to the spot-on performance by the band, the big-screen video production was exceptional. Though it was displayed in real-time, the footage looked like a professional music video. I can't imagine the cost of lights and visual effects-- I wonder if the band even gets paid at the end of all that goes into it? Kidding.
Anyway, check out the video. I thought about getting footage of the concert, but realized that might come back as bad karma someday.
Another couple things:
1. We have an upcoming EP to be released-- stay patient, cause it's just around the corner.
2. We're playing on August 15th with Chicago's State and Madison and locals Readygoes-- join us at Station 4 in St. Paul for an all-ages fiesta. Would love to have you!
Much love,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I'm sitting here at a Panera, doing a little research on the "The Most Trusted Man in America", and I see across from me a couple, probably in their late twenties, playing like children with what appears to be these. What has this world come to?
Did you know that there was a period of time in Sweden where anchormen were referred to as "Cronkiters"? I had no idea that Walter Cronkite was such an iconic and beloved character in America. Shows my age, I guess. Here is an interesting video clip of Walter Cronkite celebrating a giant leap for mankind. Also, if you're one of those science kids, here is a pretty cool website celebrating the recent 40th Anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 landing on the moon.
Now, I am going to ask a question that may spark a debate. But, I do ask this in the most respectful way possible. Who had a bigger impact on America: Walter Cronkite or Michael Jackson?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hello friends,
This blog is dedicated to giving you the OPTION of helping us in a HUGE WAY. If you feel you might be interested, continue reading ☺
As you probably know, we just spent the past few months writing and recording our debut release. It’s being mixed right now, and as much as I’d LOVE to have it on all of your iPods as I write this, we’re forced to wait. We hope to have it available in July. Do me a favor and put $5 in your piggy bank so you can support us the moment it “drops.”
Back to HOW YOU CAN HELP US. We have a couple options.:
Maybe you’ve been on a street team, or maybe you’ve never heard of such a thing. Either is fine, and there’s definitely a place for you if you’re willing to learn!
We’re looking for 5-10 STREET TEAM LEADERS who have experience working with bands with localized and other promotion. The 5-10 leaders will work closely with See The World to design a game plan for getting the music to the ears of millions. Once a plan is set in place, it will be the leaders’ job to coordinate the efforts with the bigger team. If you think you might be a leader, please let us know.
We also need a BUNCH of people across the country who are excited to help, but without as much commitment as a leader. Please let us know if you want to be part of the SEE THE WORLD STREET TEAM!
We’ll be heading out on the road for the majority of THIS FALL and want to play a show near YOU! We’ll make every effort to set up shows at local clubs and bars, but there is ample opportunity to book shows of a more “creative” nature. That is, we’re fired up and ready to play for your college events, local coffee shops, skate parks, high schools functions, and just about ANYTHING else.
Oftentimes it simply takes a local “spokesperson” to gain the right access to play a show. You probably have the magic we’re looking for. We’ll be touring with another band (maybe more), plus we’ll have a very nice PA system on the road with us. This means there will be a variety of music, and hardly anything to worry about besides finding a room, finding an electrical outlet, and telling people to come to a great show. Why wouldn’t you want to do this?!
LET’S REVIEW. You can remain a friend and listener, and we’ll love you till the end. If you WANT to do more, you can help on our STREET TEAM or HELP US BOOK A SHOW!
Much love to you and yours,
Jeremy Austin Smith (Jasper)
This blog is dedicated to giving you the OPTION of helping us in a HUGE WAY. If you feel you might be interested, continue reading ☺
As you probably know, we just spent the past few months writing and recording our debut release. It’s being mixed right now, and as much as I’d LOVE to have it on all of your iPods as I write this, we’re forced to wait. We hope to have it available in July. Do me a favor and put $5 in your piggy bank so you can support us the moment it “drops.”
Back to HOW YOU CAN HELP US. We have a couple options.:
Maybe you’ve been on a street team, or maybe you’ve never heard of such a thing. Either is fine, and there’s definitely a place for you if you’re willing to learn!
We’re looking for 5-10 STREET TEAM LEADERS who have experience working with bands with localized and other promotion. The 5-10 leaders will work closely with See The World to design a game plan for getting the music to the ears of millions. Once a plan is set in place, it will be the leaders’ job to coordinate the efforts with the bigger team. If you think you might be a leader, please let us know.
We also need a BUNCH of people across the country who are excited to help, but without as much commitment as a leader. Please let us know if you want to be part of the SEE THE WORLD STREET TEAM!
We’ll be heading out on the road for the majority of THIS FALL and want to play a show near YOU! We’ll make every effort to set up shows at local clubs and bars, but there is ample opportunity to book shows of a more “creative” nature. That is, we’re fired up and ready to play for your college events, local coffee shops, skate parks, high schools functions, and just about ANYTHING else.
Oftentimes it simply takes a local “spokesperson” to gain the right access to play a show. You probably have the magic we’re looking for. We’ll be touring with another band (maybe more), plus we’ll have a very nice PA system on the road with us. This means there will be a variety of music, and hardly anything to worry about besides finding a room, finding an electrical outlet, and telling people to come to a great show. Why wouldn’t you want to do this?!
LET’S REVIEW. You can remain a friend and listener, and we’ll love you till the end. If you WANT to do more, you can help on our STREET TEAM or HELP US BOOK A SHOW!
Much love to you and yours,
Jeremy Austin Smith (Jasper)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tour, Tool Sheds, and Trying To Be Patient
Has anyone noticed the recent fads in world of beverages? Specifically, Kona-blend coffee? Or pomegranate juice blends? Or blueberry-antioxidant sports drinks? I don’t know how or why they happened, but they just appeared. Another fad that we’ve noticed is the term FML. That came out of nowhere. If you’ve read The Tipping Point, you could probably give us a little insight into these cultural trends and how they developed. Our “friend,” Danny B, could probably tell me-- he stole the book from me months ago before I had the chance to finish it. Send him a “thank you” message for me. Thanks ☺
We just got off of a short tour with our friends at Hyland! If you’ve been following us at all, you’ll know that we’ve been putting together our debut record since our conception, and we haven’t been focusing on the live scene. Touring with another band was a great opportunity to get rolling quickly! Playing day after day really helps work out the kinks. I learned a lot. Apparently chewing gum and singing isn’t a good thing?!
We finished the tour with Hyland’s CD release show at Trocadero’s in Minneapolis. Genuine thanks to everyone who came out! A personal “NO-THANKS-TO-YOU” goes out to the classy character who stole my digital camcorder, along with Tim’s backpack, iPod, and various other things. Other than that tool-shed who tried to ruin the night, many cool faces were there. We’re pumped to have met some of you!

Please check out the bands who shared the stage for the night!
My Lady Four
Start Of Something New
In Harbour
All The Right Moves
We apologize for not being very active in the blogging sphere as of late. We decided our priority was in making a good record, first and foremost. And until we get a new camera, you probably won’t be seeing any videos either. The good news is that the new music is pretty much done! At this stage, we’re forced to be patient while the tracks are being mixed, and I swear it’s like waiting for Christmas morning. Within a few short weeks, the songs will be available to you online via www.seetheworldmusic.com. If you haven’t done so already, go and purchase our first single, “By A String.” It’s eager to hit your iTunes playlists ☺
Keep in touch, and keep chasing your dreams,
Jeremy (Jasper)
P.S. Make sure to add us on Facebook :)
See The World Fan Page
We just got off of a short tour with our friends at Hyland! If you’ve been following us at all, you’ll know that we’ve been putting together our debut record since our conception, and we haven’t been focusing on the live scene. Touring with another band was a great opportunity to get rolling quickly! Playing day after day really helps work out the kinks. I learned a lot. Apparently chewing gum and singing isn’t a good thing?!
We finished the tour with Hyland’s CD release show at Trocadero’s in Minneapolis. Genuine thanks to everyone who came out! A personal “NO-THANKS-TO-YOU” goes out to the classy character who stole my digital camcorder, along with Tim’s backpack, iPod, and various other things. Other than that tool-shed who tried to ruin the night, many cool faces were there. We’re pumped to have met some of you!
Please check out the bands who shared the stage for the night!
My Lady Four
Start Of Something New
In Harbour
All The Right Moves
We apologize for not being very active in the blogging sphere as of late. We decided our priority was in making a good record, first and foremost. And until we get a new camera, you probably won’t be seeing any videos either. The good news is that the new music is pretty much done! At this stage, we’re forced to be patient while the tracks are being mixed, and I swear it’s like waiting for Christmas morning. Within a few short weeks, the songs will be available to you online via www.seetheworldmusic.com. If you haven’t done so already, go and purchase our first single, “By A String.” It’s eager to hit your iTunes playlists ☺
Keep in touch, and keep chasing your dreams,
Jeremy (Jasper)
P.S. Make sure to add us on Facebook :)
See The World Fan Page
Friday, February 27, 2009
Spring is here! Oh... just kidding. It's not. I can't wait for Spring. |side note| Does anyone know whether it's proper to capitalize the names of seasons or not? |end side note|
Again, I can't wait for spring. Lots of great things are going to happen. I'm going to be able to walk outside our cabin without having to worry about falling in our dirt driveway. I'll be able to drive my car up up and down our rather steep driveway without effort. I will be much happier! |side note| My crabbiness rate is directly related to bad weather rate. Thus, my happiness rate is inversely related to the bad weather rate. |end side note|
Truth be told, there is only one reason why I want Spring to come...
Well, I have to shovel the driveway...
Love, Sam
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Studio Footage!
I think Apple makes fantastic products. I have been extremely pleased with my MacBook and iPhone, for instance. GarageBand is a great program, and Logic is AMAZING. With those things said, I want it to be known that I hate iMovie. I can't stand it.
I recently bought a digital camcorder to make movies. I figure it's cool to give friends a glimpse of what life's like for See The World, ya know? If I wasn't so frustrated every time I used iMovie, I imagine I'd have more videos done by now. You could see how Sam goes straight to the kitchen to get food every time he enters a house. You could see how I insist on cleaning in the morning. You could see how I sleep on an air mattress. You could see a lot of things. All of them will have to be delayed, because editing on iMovie is like pulling Lovgren's car out of the ditch with a Smart Car.
We were in the studio on Tuesday. We are running with the recording process, and I have a little footage for you. Check it out. Matt Call and Vinnie Thomas steal the show, but you'll also get a little "ear candy" with one of our new songs, By A String.
I recently bought a digital camcorder to make movies. I figure it's cool to give friends a glimpse of what life's like for See The World, ya know? If I wasn't so frustrated every time I used iMovie, I imagine I'd have more videos done by now. You could see how Sam goes straight to the kitchen to get food every time he enters a house. You could see how I insist on cleaning in the morning. You could see how I sleep on an air mattress. You could see a lot of things. All of them will have to be delayed, because editing on iMovie is like pulling Lovgren's car out of the ditch with a Smart Car.
We were in the studio on Tuesday. We are running with the recording process, and I have a little footage for you. Check it out. Matt Call and Vinnie Thomas steal the show, but you'll also get a little "ear candy" with one of our new songs, By A String.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happpppyyyyyyyy Saturday!
Hellloooo my friends!
As I sit here on my couch, cleaning out my computer and listening to Paul McCartney records, I randomly decided to blog. So, I just wanted to ask you a few questions...
A) What is your favorite new song right now? Mine is definitely "Love Song" by Taylor Swift.
B) We are going just as crazy as you may be waiting for this record to be finished. Of all the games out there, The Waiting Game is not my favorite. What can we do to keep you girls and guys happy until the record comes out this spring?
C) What's your favorite restaraunt!?
Please answer in essay form. Thanks. :)
Sam and See The World
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Let's stay in touch!
Twitter and AIM
Before I say anything, add us on AIM and Twitter!
AIM - seetheworldmusic
Twitter - seetheworldtwit
Okay, moving on:
It's official-- I'm impatient.
I'm impatient because I CANNOT wait to record the songs for our upcoming EP. Over the last few weeks we've come up with 6 songs that we are so excited for you to hear. We've worked with a drummer and bassist, and things are put together to head to the studio. There's a problem though: studio time is a bit scarce around the Twin Cities this month. So, I guess it's time to write more songs or something? I think I'll try to do that. In a couple weeks, we'll finally get the drums tracked and then we'll move onto keys and guitars. Hopefully you're more patient than I am :)
But yeah, add us on AIM and Twitter! We love staying in touch!
Before I say anything, add us on AIM and Twitter!
AIM - seetheworldmusic
Twitter - seetheworldtwit
Okay, moving on:
It's official-- I'm impatient.
I'm impatient because I CANNOT wait to record the songs for our upcoming EP. Over the last few weeks we've come up with 6 songs that we are so excited for you to hear. We've worked with a drummer and bassist, and things are put together to head to the studio. There's a problem though: studio time is a bit scarce around the Twin Cities this month. So, I guess it's time to write more songs or something? I think I'll try to do that. In a couple weeks, we'll finally get the drums tracked and then we'll move onto keys and guitars. Hopefully you're more patient than I am :)
But yeah, add us on AIM and Twitter! We love staying in touch!
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